SCell Public API


SCell Public API are designed to integrate SCell component into the customer's application.

It includes four Java libraries:

  1. SCell Public API Core Interfaces - com.intechcore.scomponents.scell.api-interfaces-core. This is the top-level dependency.
  2. SCell Public API UI Interfaces - com.intechcore.scomponents.scell.api-interfaces-ui. This is the top-level UI spreadsheet control dependency (after the core interfaces).
  3. SCell Public API Core Implementation - com.intechcore.scomponents.scell.api-impl-core. This is an API Core interfaces. It works behind the core interfaces scene in order to generate/edit spreadsheets programmatically.
  4. SCell Public API UI Implementation - com.intechcore.scomponents.scell.api-impl-ui. This is an API UI interfaces implementation. It uses all previous libraries in order to get the UI embeddable spreadsheet component.

The following scheme describes the SCell Public API Interfaces architecture.

There is ScellApiEntryPoint which is designed to provide ScellApiResolver. The ScellApiResolver is an IOC container that includes IScellCoreApiFactory, IScellUiFxApiBuilder and other API interfaces implementation.

The IWorkbook interface is the main entry point. It includes a set of IWorksheet objects which are managing the IWorksheetContent, IWorksheetStructure, IWorksheetService.

The IWorksheetContent manages different kind of cell contents, like hyperlinks, comments, styles, etc.

The IWorksheetStructure manages rows, columns, sorting and merging.

The IWorksheetService manages worksheet actions.

The IScellUiApi<TControl> object is the UI entry point. It creates a new IUiContentManager instance to manage the UI part of the SСell component.

For more “how to start” information, see the Quick Start.
