IScellApiResolver - SCell dependency container

IScellApiResolver resolves different API Interface implementations required for the user's project code.

To use the IScellApiResolver you should connect (with Maven or Gradle) the API and make the following calls:

import com.intechcore.scomponents.scell.api.IScellApiResolver;
import com.intechcore.scomponents.scell.api.init.ScellApiEntryPoint;

import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;

public class TestApp {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ScellApiEntryPoint.getApiResolverAsync().thenAccept(resolver -> {
            // you have access to the IScellApiResolver implementation here
        }).whenComplete((unused, throwable) -> {
            if (throwable != null) {

Use IScellApiResolver to get the fallowing main parts of the SCell API:

“Main entry point” means the fallowing functionality:

  • core - to manage the xlsx content
  • UI - to have JavaFX UI spreadsheet processor.

Also, the IScellApiResolver is used to get the IRangeAddressBuilder.

An example of getting implementations:

import com.intechcore.scomponents.scell.api.fx.IScellUiFxApiBuilder;
import com.intechcore.scomponents.scell.api.init.ScellApiEntryPoint;
import com.intechcore.scomponents.scell.api.spreadsheet.IScellCoreApiFactory;
import com.intechcore.scomponents.scell.api.spreadsheet.service.builder.IRangeAddressBuilder;

public class TestApp {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ScellApiEntryPoint.getApiResolverAsync().thenAccept(resolver -> {
            IScellCoreApiFactory coreApiProvider = resolver.resolve(IScellCoreApiFactory.class); // Core API entry point
            IScellUiFxApiBuilder uiApiProvider = resolver.resolve(IScellUiFxApiBuilder.class); // JavaFX UI control entry point
            IRangeAddressBuilder addressBuilder = resolver.resolve(IRangeAddressBuilder.class); // IRangeAddressBuilder implementation

        }).whenComplete((unused, throwable) -> {
            if (throwable != null) {

Next (Core API)

Next (UI API)

See also
